63 results
Formal Consultation - Stanhope Road, South Shields
Residents may remember a consultation regarding proposals for a crossing on Stanhope Road, South Shields. Following the consultation, we have listened to feedback from residents and made slight adjustments to the scheme. The bus stop will no longer be moving from its current point, and the form of crossing will be changing. A Parallel Crossing was originally proposed –the team have now made the decision to change this to a signalised Toucan Crossing. ... MoreClosed 29 June 2024 -
Formal Consultation - Cheviot Road, South Shields
Residents may recall a consultation sent by South Tyneside Council regarding a crossing at the above location. A decision has been made, in consultation with local ward members, to proceed with the formal consultation stage. Notices will be displayed onsite, on the council website and in the local press. As the crossing is located next to residential properties, it is proposed to install a cover on the signals to ensure that it cannot be seen from the... MoreClosed 29 June 2024 -
Stanhope Road, South Shields - School Safety Scheme
South Tyneside Council's Traffic and Road Safety Team (STC) are looking to gather the thoughts of residents regarding the proposal to introduce a parallel crossing on Stanhope Road, South Shields. As part of South Tyneside Council’s ongoing commitments to create a safer environment for all highway users, it is proposed to make school safety improvements on Stanhope Road, South Shields. The aim of the scheme is to create a safe crossing point for pedestrians and... MoreClosed 15 April 2024 -
Whitburn Primary School, Whitburn - School Safety Scheme
South Tyneside Council's Traffic and Road Safety Team (STC) are looking to gather the thoughts of residents regarding the proposal to introduce a Zebra Crossing as part of some highway improvements on Cleadon Lane, Whitburn. As part of South Tyneside Council’s ongoing commitments to create a safer environment for all highway users, it is proposed to make school safety improvements on Cleadon Lane, Whitburn. The aim of the scheme is to create a safe crossing point for... MoreClosed 18 March 2024 -
Cheviot Road, South Shields - Puffin Crossing
South Tyneside Council's Traffic and Road Safety Team (STC) are looking to gather the thoughts of residents regarding the proposal to introduce a Puffin Crossing on Cheviot Road, South Shields. As part of South Tyneside Council’s ongoing commitments to create a safer environment for all highway users, it is proposed to make school safety improvements on Cheviot Road, South Shields. The aim of the scheme is to create a safe crossing point for pedestrians and a school pupils... MoreClosed 4 March 2024 -
South Tyneside Publication Draft Local Plan 2023-2040
South Tyneside Council has now produced a draft local plan which sets out the vision and objectives for growth of the borough over the next 15 years. The Plan will: Allocate strategic and non-strategic development sites Set clear policies that guide decisions on planning applications Indicate how the plan will be delivered. Whether your interests lie in local neighbourhoods, transport, housing, employment, shopping or the environment, please share your views and... MoreClosed 3 March 2024 -
Habitat Regulations Assessment 2024
This report is a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of the emerging Local Plan for the South Tyneside. It is being undertaken in recognition of the risks posed to European wildlife sites as a result of new growth in the Borough. An HRA considers the implications of a plan or project for European wildlife sites. This HRA report follows HRA work undertaken at earlier stages of plan making, when the overall quantum of growth for the plan period was being established with evidence. ... MoreClosed 3 March 2024 -
Sustainability Appraisal 2024
The purpose of the sustainability appraisal process is to appraise the social, environmental and economic effects of a plan from the outset to help ensure that decisions are made that contribute to achieving sustainable development. The sustainability appraisal is integral to the plan making process. It performs a key role in providing a sound evidence base for the plan and forms an integrated part of the plan preparation process. The sustainability appraisal should inform the decision... MoreClosed 3 March 2024 -
Fellgate Sustainable Growth Area Supplementary Planning Document: Scoping Report
We are consulting on a scoping report for a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) covering the Fellgate Sustainable Growth Area. This SPD will be a masterplanning document that will address key principles including connectivity, open space, housing, social infrastructure, sustainability and identity. It will be a material planning consideration when assessing planning applications for the Fellgate Sustainable Growth Area. MoreClosed 3 March 2024 -
Millfield Terrace, junction with Wheatall Drive, Whitburn
South Tyneside Council's Parking Team (STC) have been alerted to vehicles persistently obstructing the bus stop situated in the northbound carriageway of A183-Millfield Terrace, Whitburn. These types of obstructions can result in delays to service, missed passengers and increases the likelihood of collisions. We propose to extend the bus stop clearway by 13m in line with accessible bus stop design guidance. This will allow safe and convenient access and egress for the buses. ... MoreClosed 23 February 2024 -
Rear North Road, East Boldon
South Tyneside Council's Parking Team (STC) have been asked by residents to consider extending the double yellow lines to assist with access to private driveway. MoreClosed 19 February 2024 -
Moor Lane, South Shields
It has been brought to the attention of our Parking and Road Safety Team (P&RST) that there are regular obstructions on Moor Lane, South Shields caused by vehicles waiting to access the forecourt of Moor Lane Filling Station. The council must have regard to its duties under s122 of the Road Traffic act 1984 and secure the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of vehicular traffic. Therefore, it is proposed that the existing No Waiting at Any Time restrictions are extended... MoreClosed 8 January 2024 -
Harbour View, South Shields
South Tyneside Council's Parking Team (STC) have been asked by residents to consider the removal of a short section of double yellow lines. MoreClosed 8 January 2024 -
This is a survey created by South Tyneside Councils Traffic and Road Safety Team. It will help us to engage easily with stakeholders to understand how this years RAP Event was viewed. All responses will be anonymous. However if you've any further feedback you wish to share please email trafficandroadsafety@southtyneside.gov.uk and will will be in touch. MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
Beaconside, South Shields
South Tyneside Council's (STC) Parking Team have been asked to place an advsisory disabled bay outside 55 Beaconside, South Shields. It has been reported that there is insufficient turnover of the parking spaces to allow disabled visitors to park. We propose to introduce the advisory disabled bay to remedy this. The bay wouldn't be allocated to an individual and would be free for anyone with a blue badge to use. MoreClosed 11 December 2023 -
Front Street and Boldon Lane, Cleadon
South Tyneside Council's Parking Team (STC) are looking to gather the thoughts of residents regarding the proposal to amend restrictions on Front Street and Boldon Lane, Cleadon. Parking Services have received reports that the current restrictions in place on the above locations are not particularly fit-for-purpose and that they may need revisiting. Reports received were regarding the junctions having single yellow lines, and the lack of disabled parking facilities at the... MoreClosed 4 December 2023 -
Beach Road West / Sydenham Terrace / Woodbine Estate, South Shields
South Tyneside Council's Parking Team (STC) are looking to gather the thoughts of residents regarding the proposal to amend restrictions on Beach Road West / Sydenham Terrace / Woodbine Estate, South Shields. Parking Services have received reports that the current restrictions in place on the above locations are not particularly fit-for-purpose and that they may need revisiting. Reports received were regarding the junctions having single yellow lines, the lack of use of Pay... MoreClosed 4 December 2023 -
Safer Neighbourhoods Trial Scheme-West Park Road
South Tyneside Councils Highways Department is consulting on the creation Safer Neighbourhood on West Park Road, South Shields. Safer Neighbourhoods are schemes that are designed to reduce the volume of motor vehicle traffic in residential streets and create a safer environment for all road users. This is achieved by minimising the amount motor vehicles using the streets to get to another destination. This is normally known as "through traffic" or "rat running". The volume of motor... MoreClosed 3 December 2023 -
Rear Borough Road & Prince Edward Road, South Shields
We have received a request from residents via ward councillors to address parking problems in rear Borough Road and Prince Edward Road, South Shields. The problem is in part due to the narrow dimensions of the road which is not suitable for two-way traffic and the lack of suitable footways. It is proposed that we make this road a one-way street with access from Centenary Avenue at the east end of the street and the exit via Borough Road at the west end of the... MoreClosed 22 November 2023 -
Laygate Area, South Shields
South Tyneside Council’s Parking Team are writing to the residents of the above area regarding a scheme that was consulted on previously. We have been made aware that there are some postal issues in this area with some residents and businesses not receiving post correctly. While we understand this frustration, we do apologise that some residents and business owners have been left in the dark regarding this scheme. Given this, we wish to start again and try and determine... MoreClosed 15 November 2023 -
Addison Road, West Boldon
South Tyneside Council's (STC) Parking Team have been asked to introduce parking restrictions on Addison Road, West Boldon. It has been reported that there is insufficient turnover of the parking spaces to support local businesses. We propose to introduce a limited stay of 30 minutes with return prohibited within 4 hours in the parking bays on the northern kerbline. We also propose to introduce No Waiting and No Loading restrictions to maintain the safe and free flow of... MoreClosed 6 November 2023 -
Gorse Avenue and Willow Grove, South Shields
South Tyneside Council's Parking Team (STC) have been asked by residents to consider the implementation of a resident permit parking scheme on Gorse Avenue & Willow Grove, South Shields following reports that private driveways are regularly being blocked by non-residents vehicles. The proposal is to introduce permit only parking on Gorse Avenue from its junction with Palm Avenue and the whole of Willow Grove. For information on how Resident Permit Schemes work, please visit: ... MoreClosed 6 November 2023 -
The Cornfields, Hebburn
South Tyneside Council's Parking Team (STC) are looking to gather the thoughts of residents regarding the proposal to amend restrictions on The Cornfields, Hebburn. It has been reported that there are issues regarding the location and locality in which vehicles are parking on The Cornfields, Hebburn The proposals are to extend the no waiting restrictions into The Cornfields and protecting one side of the access to the cul-de-sac, within The Cornfields. MoreClosed 30 October 2023 -
Fellgate Avenue - junctions with Heathway and Fieldway, Jarrow
South Tyneside Council's Parking Team (STC) are looking to gather the thoughts of residents regarding the proposal to amend restrictions on Fellgate Avenue, Jarrow. It has been reported that there are issues regarding the location and locality in which vehicles are parking on Fellgate Avenue, Jarrow, around the junctions of Fieldway and Heathway. The proposals are to move the verge parking order back from the junction with Fieldway, near Hedworth Lane in order to ensure clear... MoreClosed 11 October 2023 -
Ocean Road and King Street, South Shields
South Tyneside Council's Parking Team (STC) are looking to gather the thoughts of residents and businesses regarding the proposal to amend restrictions on Ocean Road and King Street, South Shields. There has been certain concerns raised regarding the location and locality in which vehicles are parking and driving on the towns shopping high street. At present, vehicles are driving and parking on the busy shopping area causing a road safety risk to our towns residents and visitors.... MoreClosed 11 October 2023 -
Mortimer Road/ Cauldwell Avenue Junction, South Shields – Traffic and Road Safety Scheme
South Tyneside Councils Highways Department is consulting on a proposed highway improvement scheme in your area. Due to the volume of vehicular traffic accessing Mortimer Road from its junction with Cauldwell Avenue, the mini roundabout has been highlighted as a key junction for safety improvements, particularly at school pick up and drop off times. The aim of the scheme is to improve the flow of vehicular traffic on Mortimer Road and also improve road safety. The... MoreClosed 27 August 2023 -
Lizard Lane Traffic Calming Scheme
South Tyneside Councils Highways Department is consulting on a proposed traffic calming scheme in your area. The proposal will introduce a 20mph Zone on Lizard Lane throughout the entire section of the road that is currently subject to a 30mph speed restriction. In order to support the introduction of the 20mph Zone, the existing speed cushions throughout this section of road will be upgraded and improved which will help maintain lower vehicle speeds and create a safer... MoreClosed 27 August 2023 -
Permit Parking Lawe Top 2023
South Tyneside Councils Highways Department is consulting on the creation of a Resident Permit Parking Scheme in the Foreshore area of South Shields. A parking permit scheme is one way to control on-street parking. Individual households or commercial premises are issued with parking permits for the use of specified vehicles. It is not a way of controlling access to certain areas. A parking permit entitles a recipient to park legally within the... MoreClosed 24 July 2023 -
Permit Parking Bents Park Road and Westoe Crown 2023
South Tyneside Councils Parking Team is consulting on the creation of a permit scheme within the Bents Park Road and Westoe Crown area of South Shields. A parking permit scheme is one way to control on-street parking. Individual households or commercial premises are issued with parking permits for the use of specified vehicles. It is not a way of controlling access to certain areas. A parking permit entitles a recipient to park legally... MoreClosed 24 July 2023 -
Permit Parking Seafield Terrace and Beach Road 2023
South Tyneside Councils Highways Department is consulting on the creation of a Resident Permit Parking Scheme in the Seafield Terrace and Beach Road areas of South Shields. A parking permit scheme is one way to control on-street parking. Individual households or commercial premises are issued with parking permits for the use of specified vehicles. It is not a way of controlling access to certain areas. A parking permit entitles a recipient to... MoreClosed 24 July 2023
63 results.
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