Moor Lane, South Shields

Closed 8 Jan 2024

Opened 18 Dec 2023

Results updated 10 Jan 2024

We had a good return rate from residents and busnisses. The general feeling expressed was that the scheme would adverseley impact residents and businesess by removing much needed parking space. 

An alternative option raised by some residents was the introduction of a yellow box junction on the south side of the carraige way. We feel that this would simply create another set of problems by pushing stacking traffic back onto the junction with Sunderland Road.

Therefore, after careful consideration and taking into account data we received from the survey, we will not go ahead with our proposal and the street will remain as it is. 

We would like to thank those we took the time to take part in the consultation.



It has been brought to the attention of our Parking and Road Safety Team (P&RST) that there are regular obstructions on Moor Lane, South Shields caused by vehicles waiting to access the forecourt of Moor Lane Filling Station.

The council must have regard to its duties under s122 of the Road Traffic act 1984 and secure the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of vehicular traffic. Therefore, it is proposed that the existing No Waiting at Any Time restrictions are extended and No Loading / Unloading restrictions are also introduced to ensure the free flow of traffic.

Why your views matter

Your views are imporatant to us. We want to make changes that will benefit residents therfore every coment will be considered prior to any decision being made.

What happens next

All feedback will be reviewed.

Depending on the feedback received, the proposals may change, or may not go ahead. 

Read more about how traffic and parking schemes work.