We asked, you said, we did

Below are outcomes for some of the issues we've recently asked about.

We asked

We proposed to remove a short section of parking restriction to allow parking outside the church. 

You said

residents and regular users of the road felt that this would result in obstructions ti their driveways and result in congestion. 

We did

We acknowleded those comments and felt that we should not proceed with the scheme at this time. 

We asked

We proposed to ammend the existing parking restrictions and dparking bays  to allow larger vehicels to manouvre through this junction.

You said

Nobody objected.

We did

The existing restrictions will be adjusted to allow larger vehicels to manouvre through this junction. The restrictions will be operational on 09/12/24 

We asked

We proposed to introduce parking restrictions

You said

The majority of residents were against the proposal highlighting that parking opportunities were limited and there were no alternative parking spaces nearby.

We did

We listened to these concerns and decided not to progress with our proposal at this time. We suggested that residents should work together to make the best use of the available space and we promised to review the situation in six moths time. 

We asked

We proposed to extend parking restrictions to improve access for larger vehicles.

You said

We had no objections

We did

We introduced the restrictions as proposed. 

We asked

We proposed to introduce parking restrictions at the junction to improve access and visibilty. 

You said

We had a few concerns that the restrictions would reduce the parking capacity in the street. We explained that the restrictions would only protect the first 10m. 

We did

We installed the restrictions as proposed. 

We asked

We proposed to extend additional parking restrictions at two junctions on Field Terrace. Bede Burn Road junction and Kitchener Terrace junction.

You said

Residents felt that the extention of restrictrions at the Kitchener terrace junction were unneeded and would impact residents to much. We had no objections regarding the Bede Burn Road junction

We did

We listened to the comments of the residents and only extended the restriction at the Bede Burn Road junction. 

We asked

If you would support our proposal to introduce parking restrictions at the junction to improve visibilty and the free movement of traffic.

You said

You agreed the restrictions were needed. Some felt the propsals didnt go far enough and trquested longer lengths of double yellow lines

We did

We introduced the restrictions as per our proposal with a promise to review their effectiveness in six months 

We asked

We proposed to introduce parking restrictions at the junction to improve access and visibility

You said

The majority of residents agreed and supported the proposal. some had concerns about a reductrion in parkin capacity. We reassued them that we would only introduce the minimum lengths of double yellow lines necessary to achive our aim.

We did

We introduced restrictions at the junction as proposed. 

We asked

We propsoed to introduce parking restriction in the turning head as larger vehicles such as refuse collection vehicles were having issues turning. 

You said

We had no objections.

We did

We introduced the restrictions as proposed

We asked

We proposed to extend the bus stop and introduce parking restrictions on the junction. 

You said

Most responders were in favour of our proposal.

We did

We installed the parking restrictions and extended the bus stop cage as proposed.