64 results
Formal Consultation - Edinburgh Road, Jarrow
As part of South Tyneside Council’s ongoing commitment to create a safer environment for all highway users, we propose to make an improvement on Edinburgh Road, Jarrow. The Road Safety Team would like to install a new Zebra crossing. The crossing has been proposed to improve the safety of pedestrians crossing in the area, in particular the students heading to and from the nearby schools. MoreClosed 24 February 2025 -
St Johns Avenue, Hebburn
South Tyneside Council have been alerted, by residents, to problems emerging from St Johns Avenue area, Hebburn at various junctions within the area. When vehicles are parked within 10m of a narrow junction, it reduces forward visibility for both motorists and pedestrians which is a road safety concern. We propose to introduce the following parking restrictions, No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines) to improve forward visibility. MoreOpened 17 February 2025 -
Green Lane, South Shields
South Tyneside Council have been alerted, by residents, to problems emerging from Green Lane area, South Shields at various junctions within the area. When vehicles are parked within 10m of a narrow junction and near a pedestrian crossing, it reduces forward visibility for both motorists and pedestrians which is a road safety concern. We propose to introduce the following parking restrictions, No Waiting and no Loading at Any Time (double yellow lines and double kerb blips)... MoreClosed 6 February 2025 -
Edinburgh Road / Glasgow Road, Jarrow - Proposed Zebra Crossing
South Tyneside Council are writing to resident to gauge their thoughts on a road safety proposal in your area. The school crossing patrol currently managing the crossing point on Edinburgh Road plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of pedestrians traveling to and from the local school. However, we are facing increasing challenges in filling vacancies for school crossing patrols and securing replacements when current patrols are unavailable. At this moment, we do not... MoreClosed 10 January 2025 -
Whitburn Permit Scheme Review
South Tyneside Council is reaching out to residents participating in the permit parking scheme on the above-mentioned streets. Over the past year, the team has received a significant number of concerns regarding this scheme and as indicated at the time of its implementation, the team intends to conduct a review of the scheme after its initial 12 months of operation. There have been questions regarding the effectiveness of the scheme and its alignment with its... MoreClosed 2 December 2024 -
Formal Consultation - Winskell Road Zebra Crossing
As part of South Tyneside Council’s ongoing commitment to create a safer environment for all highway users, we propose to make an improvement on Winskell Road, South Shields. The Road Safety Team would like to install a new Zebra crossing. The crossing has been proposed to improve the safety of pedestrians crossing in the area, in particular the students heading to and from the nearby schools. MoreClosed 2 December 2024 -
Formal Consultation - Centenary Avenue Zebra Crossing
As part of South Tyneside Council’s ongoing commitment to create a safer environment for all highway users, we propose to make an improvement on Centenary Avenue, South Shields. The Road Safety Team would like to install a new Zebra crossing. The crossing has been proposed to improve the safety of pedestrians crossing in the area, in particular the students heading to and from the nearby schools. MoreClosed 16 November 2024 -
East Boldon Infants School second consultation
South Tyneside Council are writing to the residents of the above area. The team have had discussions, both internally and externally, involving your ward members, and considering results of the consultation. A few amendments are being made to the location of restrictions on Gordon Drive, Alison Drive and Mundles Lane. Therefore, a further consultation is needed to proceed. A consultation will now be undertaken by the team to move forward and given this; the whole... MoreClosed 15 November 2024 -
Victoria Road East / Ushaw Road, Hebburn - Proposed Zebra Crossing
South Tyneside Council are writing to residents to gauge their thoughts on a road safety proposal in your area. The school crossing patrol which operates the crossing point on Victoria Road East / Ushaw Road is integral to the safety of pedestrians commuting to and from the local school. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to fill school crossing patrol vacancies and find replacements when some of our patrols are off work for any reason. At present we... MoreClosed 13 November 2024 -
Boldon Colliery area 20 Zone and Traffic Calming
South Tyneside Councils Highways Department are consulting on a proposed traffic calming scheme in your area. In our ongoing efforts to reduce road traffic collisions and improve road safety, South Tyneside Council are proposing to install traffic calming on Hedworth Lane and North Road and introduce a 20mph speed limit. It is envisaged the traffic calming will help maintain low vehicle speeds and create a safer environment for highway users. This proposed... MoreClosed 8 November 2024 -
Galsworthy Road, South Shields - Formal Consultation
South Tyneside Councils Highways Department are consulting on a proposed traffic calming scheme in your area. In our ongoing efforts to reduce road traffic collisions and improve road safety, South Tyneside Council are proposing to install traffic calming on Galsworthy Road and Whiteleas Way and introduce a 20mph speed limit. It is envisaged the traffic calming will help maintain low vehicle speeds and create a safer environment for highway users. This proposed measure will continue... MoreClosed 6 November 2024 -
Coniston Avenue, Hebburn
South Tyneside Council parking services team have been asked to address parking issues in Coniston Avenue, Hebburn. Coniston Avenue is a cul-de-sac made up of terraced houses with a small block of commercial units situated in the middle. The carriageway is narrow and there is a lack of available parking. The situation can often be exacerbated at school times when parents of children attending the nearby school park in Coniston Avenue whilst picking up and... MoreClosed 1 November 2024 -
Winskell Road, South Shields - School Safety Scheme
South Tyneside Council's Road Safety Team are consulting residents on the proposals to introduce a zebra crossing on Winskell Road. The school crossing patrol which operates the crossing point on Winskell Road, South Shields is integral to the safety of pedestrians commuting to and from the local school. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to fill school crossing patrol vacancies and find replacements when some of our patrols are off work for any reason. At present we do not... MoreClosed 1 November 2024 -
Formal Consultation - St George Ave Area Traffic Calming
Following an informal consultation with local residents regarding the proposal to install traffic calming measures throughout St Georges Avenue, Readhead Road and Tynedale Road, the Road Safety team are now looking to proceed with the formal consultation stage of the proposal. The informal Consultation was undertaken between 19 th July until 09 th August 2024. A summary of the consultation results has been shown below. Responses received: 84 ... MoreClosed 18 October 2024 -
Cleadon Lane, Cleadon
South Tyneside Council have received a request from All Saints Church for the parking restrictions outside the church to be removed to allow parking. Currently vehicles are not allowed to wait or load / unload outside the church Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am – 5pm. As cars regularly park there at other times and there have been no reported collisions at this location since 2014, we propose to remove 30m of the restrictions on the south side of Cleadon Lane... MoreClosed 7 October 2024 -
Rear of Westoe Road & Derby Terrace, South Shields
South Tyneside Council have been alerted by residents, to continual obstruction of this rear lane, leaving them unable to access their garages and off-street parking areas. We propose to introduce No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines). To ensure access is always available. Vehicles contravening the restrictions would be liable to be issued a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). MoreClosed 7 October 2024 -
Charlotte Street & Thomas Street, South Shields
South Tyneside Council have been alerted by local businesses situated on Franklin Street and Thomas Street that articulated delivery vehicles have been unable to deliver orders due to vehicles parked in the pay and display (P&D) bays on the junction of Charlotte Street and Thomas Street. We propose to remove some P&D bays to improve accessibility and resolve the issue. A total of x6 bays will be removed as shown on the plan. The existing restrictions, No Waiting at Any Time... MoreClosed 3 October 2024 -
St. Aloysius View, Hebburn
South Tyneside Council have been alerted by residents to parking issues on St. Aloysius View, Hebburn at its junction with Marina View and the unnamed access north of Hawthorn Court. When vehicles are parked within 10m of a junction it reduces forward visibility for both motorists and pedestrians which is a road safety concern. We propose to introduce parking restrictions at these junctions in the form of No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines) and No... MoreClosed 25 September 2024 -
Kingsley Avenue, South Shields
South Tyneside Council have been alerted by residents to parking issues the turning head 38-50 Kingsley Avenue, South Shields. Some residents who have gone to the expense of installing off street parking are being prevented from entering exiting their driveways due to inconsidertae parking by other residents. We propose to introduce parking restrictions at the head of the cul-de-sac in the form of No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines) and No Loading at Any... MoreClosed 25 September 2024 -
Rolling Mill Road, Jarrow
South Tyneside Council have been alerted to an issue with vehicles parking on footpaths, verges and junctions along Rolling Mill Road. When vehicles are parked in such locations, it reduces forward visibility for both motorists and pedestrians and restricts access to business premises. We propose to extend the existing No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines) along the southern kerb line by 89m in order to address these issues MoreClosed 9 September 2024 -
Hillcrest, Jarrow
South Tyneside Council have been alerted, by residents, to problems emerging from Hillcrest, Jarrow at its junction with Hedworth Lane. When vehicles are parked within 10m of a narrow junction, such as this, it reduces forward visibility for both motorists and pedestrians which is a road safety concern. We propose to introduce the following parking restrictions, No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines) and No Loading /Unloading at Any Time to improve forward... MoreClosed 2 September 2024 -
Field Terrace, Jarrow
South Tyneside Council recently installed a dropped crossing point on Field Terrace at its junction with Bede Burn Road. The existing No waiting at Any Time and No Loading / Unloading at Any Time restrictions require extending by a few metres to protect the crossing. We are also revising the restrictions on Field Terrace at its junction with Havelock Terrace where speed humps were installed. MoreClosed 2 September 2024 -
Fellside/Cragside 20mph Speed Limit
As part of South Tyneside Council’s ongoing commitments to create a safer environment for all highway users, it is proposed to make safety improvements on Fellside/ Cragside. The aim of the scheme is to reduce the speed of the traffic on Fellside and Cragside. The proposal will introduce a 20mph speed limit on Fellside and Cragside. Department for Transport Guidance recommends that local authorities consider the introduction of more 20mph limits and zones, over time in... MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
St George’s Avenue calming measure
In November 2023 the trial Safer Neighbourhood Scheme was implemented using powers granted by an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). The trial saw the closure of St Georges Avenue, at its junction with Cemetery Approach, South Shields. During the trial period, officers gathered data including traffic speeds and volumes, collision statistics, feedback from members of the public and undertook various onsite observations of traffic distribution and behaviours. The... MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
Galsworthy Road, South Shields
South Tyneside Councils Highways Department are consulting on a proposed traffic calming scheme in your area. In our ongoing efforts to reduce road traffic collisions and improve road safety, South Tyneside Council are proposing to install traffic calming on Galsworthy Road and Whiteleas Way and introduce a 20mph speed limit. It is envisaged the traffic calming will help maintain low vehicle speeds and create a safer environment for highway users. This... MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
East Boldon Infants School
South Tyneside Council are writing to the residents immediately surrounding the above school to attempt to address and alleviate issues which are currently ongoing due to school pick up and drop offs. The team have been looking at this area for some time trying to assess how to possibly improve the area to ensure optimal Road Safety for pedestrians and motorists alike. Given the ongoing issues, the team have drafted up proposals for a scheme, this includes; ... MoreClosed 2 August 2024 -
Percy Scott Street, South Shields
South Tyneside Councils Road Safety team have been made aware of parking issues on the above street. The most frequent complaint being vehicles parked on either side of the road in close proximity to the junctions of Percy Scott Street with Brodie Close and Whiteleas Way. This can create access problems for emergency services, waste collection vehicles, buses and presents a danger to other road users and pedestrians with respect to visibility. We propose to... MoreClosed 28 July 2024 -
Church Lane at its junction with Front Street, Whitburn
South Tyneside Council have been alerted, by residents, to problems emerging from Church Lane at its junction with Front Street, Whitburn. When vehicles are parked within 10m of a narrow junction, such as this, it reduces forward visibility for both motorists and pedestrians which is a road safety concern. We propose to introduce the following parking restrictions, No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines) and No Loading /Unloading at Any Time to improve forward... MoreClosed 17 July 2024 -
West Boldon Primary School, Boldon
South Tyneside Council are writing to the residents immediately surrounding the above school to attempt to address and alleviate issues which are currently ongoing due to school pick up and drop offs. The team have been looking at this area for some time trying to assess how to possibly improve the area to ensure optimal Road Safety for pedestrians and motorists alike. Given the ongoing issues, the team have drafted up proposals for a scheme, this includes; protecting the... MoreClosed 15 July 2024 -
Wood Terrace at its junction with Tweed Street, Jarrow
South Tyneside Council have been alerted by residents to access problems on Wood Terrace at its junctiom with Tweed Street, Jarrow. When vehicles are parked within 10m of a narrow junction such as this it reduces forward visibility for both motorists an pedestrians which is a road safety concern. We propose to introduce the following parking restrictions, No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines) and No Loading /Unloading at Any Time to improve forward visibilty. ... MoreClosed 10 July 2024
64 results.
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