Church Lane at its junction with Front Street, Whitburn

Closed 17 Jul 2024

Opened 17 Jun 2024


South Tyneside Council have been alerted, by residents, to problems emerging from Church Lane at its junction with Front Street, Whitburn. 

When vehicles are parked within 10m of a narrow junction, such as this, it reduces forward visibility for both motorists and pedestrians which is a road safety concern.

We propose to introduce the following  parking restrictions, No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines) and No Loading /Unloading at Any Time to improve forward visibilty. 


Why your views matter

Your responses to this this consultation will help us improve the quality of our analysis and support our decision making. Wherever possible, please provide evidence to support your comments. 

What happens next

We will consider all comments during this informal consultation process. Your views may lead us to alter our proposal or to decide that it is not in the publics interest to proceed any further. Whatever the decision we will keep you notified by letter

Read more about how traffic and parking schemes work.